Siem Reap takeaway in eco boxes
That box can be composted!
Inspired by our friends at Kampot Radio, we’ve put together this list of great places doing takeaway in biodegradable, natural boxes. Be sure that we’ll always encourage you first to take your own lunchbox or chan srak, but we all know those occasions where you get caught out, so here’s where you can get takeaway without the guilt.
Styrofoam or polystyrene takeaway boxes cannot be recycled, nor do they ever break down, they become a massive pollutant on the environment and there are suspected health implications from eating from them.
Let’s do our part and support businesses that are reducing their plastic impact on our planet.
- Cut it out! Do you need cutlery (knife, fork, spoon, chopsticks)? Or are you taking food home? You can avoid extra plastic and waste by using your own cutlery.
- Bag it! Do you need a bag or do you have a basket on your bike or a reusable bag with you? Avoid single-use bags whenever you can!
- Feeling saucy? Can the cafe put the sauce on your meal already? Avoid unnecessary little containers by seasoning before you go.
The places to be….
Spoons restaurant on Bamboo Street have takeaway
Little Red Fox Espresso in Kandal Village and Little Red Fox Bar and Cafe at Lub d on 7 Makara Street
Jungle Burger on Street 26
George’s Rhumerie in Sala Kamreurk
Atmosphere Siem Reap in Kandal Village
Artillery Cafe on Wat Bo Road, they ***deliver***
My Way Subs and Fish n Chips on Charles de Gaulle Road, they ***deliver****
Baby Elephant Boutique just off BBU Road, at the bottom of Night Market Road
Mammashop Italian Restaurant in Kandal Village
Wine O’Clock in Sala Kamreurk
Paris Bakery
Melita Pizza and Green Go Garden on Night Market Street
Burger Gourmand, Soksan Road ***delivery***
Croq’ me ***delivery***
Memoire Palace Resort
Sra Thnam
Tevy’s Place
Want to add more? Add a comment below and we’ll update the list.
Want your own eco boxes for your cafe or restaurant? Order from Cambodia Hotel Supply, Siam Eco Pack or Only One Planet.
I would like to recommend all these businesses that have started to change their packaging to be plastic free.
Burger Gourmand (delivery)
Croq’ me (delivery)
Memoire Palace Resort
Thanks Pim! We’ll add them in 🙂
That is useful article ..
I added your web-site into my bookmarks.
Keep up good work! Excited for future updates.
Best regards,